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Re: how to use wireless without network-manager or wicd

hugo vanwoerkom <hvw59601@care2.com> writes:

> Hi,
> I run a laptop with lenny and debian kernel 2.6.32 that runs wireless.
> I connected to the laptop via USB a disk that contains a partition that also
> has debian kernel 2.6.32 but sid and that doesn't have network manager or wicd
> installed.
> How would I get wireless going without them on that USB disk?

That's how I manage my wireless network system by integrating ifplug +
guessnet + wpa_supplicant

,----[ interfaces ]
| # This file describes the network interfaces available on your system
| # and how to activate them. For more information, see interfaces(5).
| # The loopback network interface
| auto lo
| iface lo inet loopback
| # The primary network interface
| #allow-hotplug eth0
| # ifplugd brings up interfaces, so do not bring them up at startup
| noauto eth0 
| #auto eth0
| #iface eth0 inet dhcp
| # Profile "none" is selected if no network signal is detected
| # (i.e. there is no cable plugged into the socket)
| #no-net missing-cable
| mapping eth0
|     script guessnet-ifupdown
|     map default: foreing
|     map timeout: 3
|     map verbose: true
| # If there is no link detected, don't try DHCP
| iface interface inet manual
| 	test missing-cable
| 	pre-up echo No link present.
| 	pre-up false
| # guessnet default
| iface foreing inet dhcp    
| allow-hotplug wlan0
| iface wlan0 inet manual
|     wpa-driver wext
|     wpa-roam /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf
| iface wifihome inet dhcp

,----[ wpa_supplicant.conf ]
| ctrl_interface=/var/run/wpa_supplicant
| ctrl_interface_group=0
| ap_scan=1
| eapol_version=1
| fast_reauth=1
| network={ 
|     ssid="*******"
|     scan_ssid=1
|     proto=WPA2
|     key_mgmt=WPA-PSK
|     psk="***********"
|     pairwise=CCMP TKIP 
|     group=CCMP TKIP 
|     priority=5 
|     id_str="wifihome"
| }

      Definizione: "Berlusconi ne possiede tre".
      Risposta: "Capelli".
      		-- Dal cruciverba di Lello Splendor (Giorgio Panariello) e
      		   Carlo Conti

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