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Re: Have you ever...

Am 2010-08-29 23:14:05, hacktest Du folgendes herunter:
> On Sun, Aug 29, 2010 at 08:31:03PM -0700, Poo Py wrote:
> > Had dog sex?  Or posted naked? I need to kno. cuz I won't support a distro that
> > has people doing that. It's a sin and I don't like sinners much. 
> You're a riot, kid. 


[michelle.konzack@michelle1:~] apt-file search bin/dog
dog: /usr/bin/dog

[michelle.konzack@michelle1:~] apt-file search bin/sex
nettle-bin: /usr/bin/sexp-conv.nettle
sextractor: /usr/bin/sextractor

Is this elreday enought to be fsck'ed by the OP?

[michelle.konzack@michelle1:~] apt-file search bin/naked

Ufff  --  no hit!

[michelle.konzack@michelle1:~] apt-file search bin/sin
biosquid: /usr/bin/sindex
libvips-tools: /usr/bin/sines
netatalk: /usr/bin/single2bin
since: /usr/bin/since
sineshaper: /usr/bin/sineshaper.sh
sing: /usr/bin/sing
slurm-llnl: /usr/bin/sinfo

Hmmmm...  there are words with double-sense.

Thanks, Greetings and nice Day/Evening
    Michelle Konzack

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