Re: Now lost boot dir
On Sun, 29 Aug 2010 04:07:15 -0400 (EDT), David Baron wrote:
> Progress: Using Debian Live rescue, was able to mount my volumes,
> reinstall the kernel, run update-initramfs and lilo. (Only thing
> lost was the debian.bmp which looked gosh-awful on my screen
> anyway--works without it.) Results, back to where I was:
> 2.6.34 Will Not Boot.
Glad to hear that.
> It loads up, begins the process and then
> panics out with "cannot find root device sdb2" (my root partition),
> offers no alternatives (2.6.32 did once offer a list of parititons
> on the previous computer where this problem started but the could
> not find the hdb2 it should have found!).
Lilo's boot loader does not understand the file system (any file
system). It reads the kernel and initial RAM file system images
as a list of blocks (i.e. logical block addresses) that were saved
at map installer time. If it isn't defined in /etc/lilo.conf it
can't be booted.
> Since, without that
> bitmap, I have a type-in menu on bootup, I tried stuff like "2.6.34
> append "root=/dev/sdb2"" and variations of that to no avail.
I don't use the bit map interface, but in the traditional text
mode interface a list of bootable kernels can be obtained by
(a) pressing the Shift key to disable the timer and get a boot
prompt, and then (b) pressing the Tab key. Lilo will respond by
listing the labels of all bootable systems. I don't know if that
works with your installed interface though.
> So: How do I fix this thing, step-by-step? The 2.6.34 was compiled
> with the newer PATA/SATA driver so will create sdb's rather than
> hdb's (I would have no objection going back to 2.6.32 and the hdb's
> if this be than answer but that did not either before on this system).
> In any event, all my volumes are intact and I can offload to a new
> disk if I so choose and restart from there but it would seem it
> should make no difference.
Please provide the following information:
(1) The output of the "p" command (print the partition table) in fdisk
for all your disks.
(2) The contents of /etc/fstab
(3) The contents of /etc/initramfs-tools/conf.d/resume
(4) The contents of /etc/initramfs-tools/conf.d/driver-policy
(5) The output of the following commands
ls -Al /dev/disk/by-id/
ls -Al /dev/disk/by-uuid/
ls -Al /dev/disk/by-path/
I may ask for more information later, but this will get us started
.''`. Stephen Powell
: :' :
`. `'`
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