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Re: how to rotate ogg/theora video 90 degrees? (having to reencode is ok)

Camaleón <noelamac@gmail.com> writes:
> Sure, so if you are facing problems with one video codec, you''ll have to
> use another one to bypass the bug or try another application that uses its
> own version of mencoder (i.e., Avidemux) ;-)

avidemux is not in Debian, only in debian-multimedia.org. Afaik Debian
can encode to theora, webm, mpeg1(?), flv (h263?) and mjpeg. Out of
these options theora seemed like the best since I have an ARM
optimized libtheora (should be in Debian when upstream releases it)
that works on openmoko. If there's something else in Debian I'm open
to alternatives :-)

Re audio: Debian can not at the moment encode mp3 so vorbis is really
the only option. The integer-only decoder tremor is in Debian and
works on openmoko too.

It seems that if I use mencoder from unstable and ffmpeg2theora from
lenny with

wget http://ftp.acc.umu.se/pub/debian-meetings/2009/debconf9/low/1050_Lightning_talk_Redirecting_require.ogv
sid mencoder 1050_Lightning_talk_Redirecting_require.ogv -oac pcm -ovc lavc -lavcopts vcodec=ffvhuff -vf scale=320:240,rotate=1 -o output.avi
ffmpeg2theora -o output.ogv output.avi

then both

mplayer -vo jpeg 1050_Lightning_talk_Redirecting_require.ogv


mplayer -vo jpeg output.ogv

dump the same number (= 4939) of frames to disk. Also if I watch both
the original and the rotated video at the same time they seem to play
at the same speed. Afaik the bugs avoided by this approach are:


The only remaining bug that I have now is


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