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Re: From console to GUI

In general I would recommend that you test all pieces of software which could be interesting to  you.
Precheck screenshots and install them.
Thanks to the package management, it's really easy.

kompozer could be a Dreamweaver replacement, although it's not as powerful.

No one mentioned kmail (or I didn't noticed it), you could give it a try as your mailing application.

Many users think, at least in the beginning. that you can't use KDE/QT Applications in Gnome, which is just a wrong 
assumption. There's no reason you shouldn't do that, except that they look a bit different, which not really is a 
Even this problem is eliminable by choosing qtcurve as your theme in gnome and kde/qt pperance settings (it's in the 

mysql-navigator is a nice mysql GUI

synaptic is really good for exploring and finding packages, because it can search in the whole package decription. It's a 
GUI application.

If you really depend on a windows application, you could try playonlinux. http://www.playonlinux.com/en/
It's a GUI for managing wine & windows applications and is really helpful (not only games!)



On Friday 20 August 2010 14:40:32 Jangita wrote:
> Hello Good people,
> I have been an avid user of debian linux, but for server and backend
> systems (apache/mysql/kannel and the likes), and I develop all my
> software from my windows laptop (dreamweaver, delphi, sqlyog - mysql
> client) etc etc
> I have been poking around a little bit to now move my laptop to debian;
> Since I've done alot of work with servers on debian, i do know my way
> around as per drivers, apt, and debian as a whole, but purely console -
> but I suck at GUI; so I would like to know what combinations of software
> would let me continue working as I did on my laptop, but on debian
> Questions are (without starting a "which is the best" war...)
> 1. For GUI: I've chosen GNome, any reason why I should choose otherwise?
> 2. Email:  I've seen evolution, but I'm leaning towards thunderbird...
> good or bad choice? any other email clients I should consider?
> 3. Programming: For my programming I've seen eclipse to be the best, I
> could practically code everything in evolution using the plugins, one
> problem though - do I get a WYSIWYG plugin/editor for my HTML pages
> (might be for the eclipse mailing list but just wnat to see what guys
> use here)
> 4. Delphi -> FPC
> 5. Any ideas of a GUI mysql client for windows?
> 6. I forgot to mention my chat applications (skype, msn, yahoo, google
> talk) - any recommended clients that support features in the original
> versions? (I've only found skype)
> 7. Office Suite - I'll go for openoffice (any better alternatives?)
> 8. Any alternative for adobe fireworks?
> and i'll have a teeny weeeny partition like 10% of my hdd for playing my
> windows games and cases where there is just no unix alternative (Orbiter!!)
> Thanks! Looking forward for the big format.

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