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Corrupted FS every 50 checks


I have the fs' checking period set to 50 mounts for now some years. The
problem is that I always get errors when e2fsck verifies the fs, and
always on the same: /dev/sdc5. Well, this is where I have all my docs,
my university stuff, and this is even more annoying. I could do backups,
but I can't understand why this filesystem is problematic, because I
don't use it often, at least these times. I always have errors about the
AucTeX files. Well, auctex is simply an emacs extension for LaTeX, and I
can't understand why some specific files always cause troubles. I don't
always get the same errors. This time, it was mainly *things like error
filesystem Inode has EXTENTS_FL flag set, but not too many.*
*1) Why are they happening? My disk is not old. (/dev/sdc5 is on another
disk than the /etc, etc.)*
*2) Should I think about buying another hdd? I tried with the hdd life
tools (I can't remember their names) which are bundled with Debian, but
they don't show any failing thing (they have quite the same score as
other hdds in my computer).*


Merciadri Luca
See http://www.student.montefiore.ulg.ac.be/~merciadri/
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