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Re: Internet filtering

Michal schreef:
On 27/07/10 00:38, vr wrote:
What is a good utility to block outbound traffic on the home network?
Ideally it will not need to be set in a browsers proxy setting to be

Cheap old PC, two nics, stick OS of choice on, create firewall rules, install squid, setup, use this as your new default gateway, done. I easily did this with OpenBSD, PF and Squid and it can be done in no time at all. I never tried it with Debian but you can quite easily do it with that. You would end up with something similar to;

Modem - > Gateway - > Switch - > Clients
Better, you buy a wireless that runs openwrt, install openwrt and do as described above. Of course, you can also buy one of those atom based ultra-low-power-usage boxes. This gives you more processing power than an average wireless router, but that is usually not needed for a small network. Although the initial investment might be a bit higher, the lower power consumption usually is worth it. Saving 50 watts (which is easily attainable when migrating from a pc to a low-power unit) earns you something like 80 euro/year (or 70 pound/year) and saves us some CO2 emission as a bonus. Do your math...


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