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Re: iceweasel vs google-chrome

On 07/22/2010 07:55 AM, Paul Cartwright wrote:
I just found out I have an issue with audio playing in iceweasel, but NOT in
I've mostly used iceweasel, but lately, every morning when I try to listen
live to a news show ( http://wsbradio.com/ - listen live) the audio comes out
either garbled, or not at all. usually I just do:
/etc/init.d/alsasound restart . It crashed iceweasel, and when I restart
iceweasel, audio works. Today I decided to just fire up google-chrome, and
went to that listen live, and IT WORKED.

any clues as to the difference in sound capabilities?

No, but I in these modern Web 2.0 times, web pages are much busier and thus burn more CPU (all the same CPU!), thus making each tab time slice with all the others.

Presumably you've got ABP and Flashblock installed, which will noticeably ameliorate the load of IW. Also, running v3.6.4 (with it's out-of-process plugins feature) from Experimental (but I do see where it now has the brand new v3.6.7) also greatly helps of multi-core systems.

Seek truth from facts.

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