Re: how to automaticaly turn off touchpad using xinput
> The problem is that sometimes the xinput id of the touchpad differs and having
> it in .xinputrc sometimes turned off the track point and sometimes even the
> keyboard which really hinders its usability. Is there some automatic way to do
> this in a secure fasion like using the name returned by input layer and used
> by xinput?
> Also after resume/suspend the touchpad is enabled again and I have to manualy
> turn it off.
Haven't tried this in a while, as I'm using synclient now to do the
job, but used to do what you're talking about by removing the psmouse
If rmmod psmouse turns off your touchpad, and leaves the usb mice
working, perhaps that would be a simple solution, with blacklist
module, or rmmod script called by rc.local and a sleep.d hook assuming
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