how to automaticaly turn off touchpad using xinput
Hi. I've been running X without xorg for a year now to my complete
satisfaction. The only problem I have is a touchpad which I don't use and it
only gets in the way. I'm turning it off with xinput because the sl410 lenovo
I have doesn't allow to turn it off in bios as the ibm thinkpads I've owned
previously allowed.
The problem is that sometimes the xinput id of the touchpad differs and having
it in .xinputrc sometimes turned off the track point and sometimes even the
keyboard which really hinders its usability. Is there some automatic way to do
this in a secure fasion like using the name returned by input layer and used
by xinput?
Also after resume/suspend the touchpad is enabled again and I have to manualy
turn it off.
thanks for any pointers
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