So..., you're saying that if I want to learn to use RAID, I should use Windows? I've been doing research on RAID for the past week, and none of the documentation I've found addresses my issues.
No no, not at all. Have you tried running through a guide? A quick search will give you something like this Running through guides is a good start to give you a feel of what's going on and how to do it, from there you can explore other ideas, ones that maybe better suited to you and your setup. Also you can see how you can recover. It's always best to test you actually know how to recoverer from raid failures rather then just think you know to find out that you where incorrect.
finding out what hardware and software raid is only needs a wikipedia search for example, and as to use soft or hardware raid, have a search at the archives or just debates on the internet. Just remember that if you use hardware raid and your controller fails you will need to replace that. Can you use any controller or does it have to the exact same one? If it needs to be the exact same one and it's built in to the motherboard, what do you do? These are the questions you need answers to. Setting up software raid in Linux is very easy and you can do it at install. Tools like mdstat and mdadm etc will help you out