On 7/5/2010 3:43 PM, Urs Thuermann wrote:Now my question is where these [CD-rip] differences come from and which results are the correct (better) ones.Audio CDs live in a world where there is no guarantee that any two passes across a "sector" will ever give the same result. For one thing, there is no error correction. Give up the idea of getting a correct, or "perfect", rip; it's theoretically impossible.
Oh, I forgot. One more thing (and sorry to keep flooding the list replying to myself): There is an analog output and a digital output, and they are not equal. Your CD-drive or DVD-drive will treat them differently, and that conceivably may make a difference for you.
I'm sorry, I cannot offer advice about what, if anything, to do with the analog output, but since you are probably only interested in the digital output, anyway, it's just as well.