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Re: First Debian Installation: totally brain-dead. Where do I go from here?

On 02/07/10 21:47, Mark wrote:
On Fri, Jul 2, 2010 at 12:38 PM, Keith Mitchell <kpmitchell@gmail.com
<mailto:kpmitchell@gmail.com>> wrote:

    Thanks Guys:

    Looks like a serious operator malfunction on my part. My first time
    with an internet install. In the past, I had a CD with the whole
    distribution on it.

This is something I haven't been able to wrap my head around yet.  It
_seems_ from this email list that the preferred installation method is
netinsall/minimal install.  Personally I only use CD or DVD images and
this email thread is a good example why.  A CD is downloaded so quickly
these days, most likely taking less time than you have spent/will spend
trying to get the minimal install working.  I wonder if you download the
CD .iso and install from that on this same machine, if you would  be
having those problems.  Sure seems like an easier path than the one
you're on, unless the point of your installation is to build from ground
up and only install certain packages, but that's not how I've read your
post.  If a user's goal is to install Debian and get it up and running
with the least amount of headaches, it's tough to argue against
installing from a CD or DVD image.

I do too. I install the installer on a usb stick, copy the .iso of the first CD on to it too, and install that right from the stick. The Debian installer looks for a .iso image to install from.

Alan Chandler

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