Re: First Debian Installation: totally brain-dead. Where do I go from here?
> On Vi, 02 iul 10, 00:49:53, Keith Mitchell wrote:
>> I decided to build a Linux box instead of emulating Linux using
>> VM-Ware under Windows. I heard Debian was the way to go. I have
>> created Red-Hat and Ubuntu Linux boxes in the past with no problems.
Who did you hear this from? Irrelevant, they are wrong. Debian is not
always the way to go. If you heard "sometimes Debian is the best way
to go", then I would agree with that.
>> This, my very first Debian installation, and it has been a total
>> nightmare!
You have two choices to "wake up" from this nightmare: Take the blue
pill, install RedHat, Ubuntu or use Windows. You wake up and believe
whatever you want to believe about Debain. Or take the red pill, with
a glass of humility, and see how far down the rabbit hole goes.
>> I then followed the instructions on the web-site for installing Debian
>> with internet connectivity.
Provide link.
>> The web instructions said burn a minimal CD, and download what you
>> need from the internet.
>> 1. I downloaded the .iso file, and burnt a bootable-CD (not DVD).
>> 2. I used that CD and installed Debian. I now have a minimal and
>> totally brain-dead Linux installation.
Unlike many other distros, Debian does not ship with a brain as it
expects the user to provide one.
>> 3. There is no gcc compiler. There is no Firefox web browser.
What is installed depends on how you installed it. If the instructions
you read really did only say what you quoted, then they are not very
good instructions. You should provide a link so that we might provide
you with alternate instructions.
Also Debian does not have "Firefox", it has "Iceweasel".
>> 4. I went back to the Debian web-site for instructions on how to
>> proceed from here. There were no instructions for how to proceed from
>> here. Even MinGW on Windows has a minimal Linux working set. How do I
>> download a file working-set without requesting each file one by one?
During installation there is something called tasksel. You check a box
that says "desktop" and it installs some sensible things.
>> 5. Right now it seems my only option is using Gatesware Windows to
>> download an Ubuntu distribution, a distribution that does work, use
>> the .iso file to create a CD or DVD, and blow away the Debian crap
>> that does not work.
It appears you thought of at least one other option before considering
that one, which unfortunately involved this mailing list.
>> Any suggestions before I blow Debian away?
Blow away Ahab, blow it all away.
>> Thanks,
>> Keith.
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