Re: Misleading Debian's installer choice
On Friday 02 July 2010 15:14:03 Merciadri Luca wrote:
> Rob Owens wrote:
> > On Tue, Jun 29, 2010 at 11:26:56PM +0200, Merciadri Luca wrote:
> >> Mark wrote:
> >>> On Tue, Jun 29, 2010 at 2:18 PM, Merciadri Luca
> >>> <
> >>> <>> wrote:
> >>>
> >>> Mark wrote:
> >>> > Yes, but you said this wasn't for beginners in your original post
> >>> > so if a non-beginner can't get the Bootable Flag set up on the
> >>> > right partition to boot, they are not a this
> >>> > point probably doesn't apply.
> >>>
> >>> Okay. But why allowing something that has no interest to be done,
> >>> to be
> >>> done, be it by a beginner or not?
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> Good point. Maybe the code didn't fit into the Debian Installer to
> >>> determine which partitions to allow the user to make bootable? Your
> >>> guess is as good as mine.
> >>
> >> Same applies for the fact of checking at least two times `/stuff/', for
> >> different (at least two) partitions. If the effect of using such a
> >> scheme is documented, this might be interesting to understand what it
> >> does. But it does not look documented, and I don't understand i) what
> >> could happen if I used such a scheme; ii) its reason to be there.
> >
> > Seems like a good reason to file a bug report, if you ask me. Before
> > doing so, you might want to actually try an installation like that. Who
> > knows, maybe the installer will throw an error on the next screen.
> Maybe (for the possibly thrown error). I don't know, and I can't test
> nowadays because I simply don't have another PC which could receive a
> new Debian install. But if somebody can test, I would appreciate
> receiving the results.
If I have time, I'll try - once I am clear what it is that you want. I'm
afraid that at the moment I haven't succeeded in understanding what it is
that you want.
In your explanation, try to keep things the right way round: mount partitions
on mount points, not mount points on partitions. At the moment I am very
muddled about what you are trying to do.
P.S. Sorry, Luca. I have only just got round to investigating why my emails
go to you and not the list. It is a problem that I don't usually have, and I
forgot just now. Normally I just click "reply" and it goes to the list. I
usually have to click on "reply special" to reply to the author.
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