Re: Encrypted /tmp fails after recent kernel upgrade
Todd A. Jacobs <nospam <at>> writes:
> On Sat, May 29, 2010 at 09:31:28AM +0000, Sebastian Ramacher wrote:
> No, it's some other package. I remember seeing a message saying that
> some boot utility needed to change all /etc/fstab entries from devices
> to UUIDs or LABELs.
> An encrypted /tmp partition won't have either, nor will it be marked
> specially in the partition table the way swap partitions are. So, I'm
> thinking that the /dev/mapper/tmp entry in fstab isn't being properly
> acted upon somehow.
Changing /tmp's filesystem to xfs fixed it for me, so you may want to try that.
I hadn't any problems with the changes in /etc/fstab.
> Does anyone know what package is making this change, so that I can file
> a bug against the correct package?
base-files, IIRC.
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