Re: dependency based boot + update-rc.d
On 2010-06-02 18:28 +0200, Hugo Vanwoerkom wrote:
> Before dependency based boot I added my own boot scripts with
> update-rc.d, like:
> update-rc.d faketty start 29 2 3 4 5 .
> and the update-rc.d man page still refers to sequence numbers (NN=29):
> "NN is the two-digit sequence number that determines where in the
> sequence init will run the scripts."
> But with dependency based boot those sequence numbers went out the window.
Yes, they are meaningless now. If it is important that the script runs
before or after some other script, you need to specify this in the LSB
> What does one do now, run update-rc.d as before and then
> dpkg-reconfigure sysv-rc'?
Just run update-rc.d, it will run insserv for you (assuming that you
have already converted to dependency-based boot).
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