There was a slight screw-up with my mount points of /boot earlier today,
when I was doing a bit of house cleaning. I purged some old kernels and
installed a new one while /boot was mounted on a different partition
(another story, sigh!). I noticed the problems and fixed that and
rebooted with proper mounting. This, of course, resulted in the kernel
files still in (correct) /boot that were supposed to have been purged.
To fix that, with /boot correctly mounted, I reinstalled the kernel
packages that I had purged and then purged them.
Now, after doing this, I still have this kernel in /boot:
$> ls -1 /boot/*trunk*
However, I am not sure to which package this belongs:
$> dpkg -l linux-image-2\.6\.32* | grep trunk
un linux-image-2.6.32-trunk-686 <none> (no description available)
If that is its package, apt can't find it:
$> apt-cache show linux-image-2.6.32-trunk-686
W: Unable to locate package linux-image-2.6.32-trunk-686
E: No packages found
Anybody know what is the deal with this kernel image? What am I missing