Re: xorg.conf for nvidia binary drivers interfering with xorg.conf for vnc4server
On 11:20 Tue 01 Jun , Camaleón wrote:
> It's weird that "vnc4server" cannot work with nvidia drivers. Maybe just
> conflicts with a setting in the "xorg.conf" file and quits when you try
> to run it.
Well, after all the vnc4server is not working off the physical video card is it?
it is displaying a virtual video image, so to speak, as there is no display :2 or :3 on my
physical nvidia video card. It does not use the nvidia drivers __at all__!
Or am I misunderstanding the situation with vnc4servers? this is not x11vnc which
uses the physical :0 display, it is vnc4server.
> > So obviously the vnc4server is looking in the /etc/X11 directory for
> > xorg.conf because it is not finding it somewhere else. Where should I
> > put a (blank) xorg.conf for the purposes of the vnc4server?
> I would look first at the origin of the failure, I mean, why "vnc4server"
> cannot run with your current "xorg.conf" file. Logs will tell.
When I read my Xorg logs all I saw were remarks about not finding some fonts
which often occur but dont impair the display on the screen or in vcn.
The key here is that the vnc4server is using an xorg.conf that is set up for the
physical nvidia drivers with the dual display on 2 monitors using twinview.
now clearly my vnc4server is not 1) dual headed or 2) using the nvidia module.
For instance, if I simply move the xorg.conf into another location and create a
empty file (touch xorg.conf in /etc/X11/ ) then lo and behold the vnc4server starts
up fine.
Q: Can one xorg.conf have configuration for the physical nvidia drivers and the
virtual vnc4server at the same time? what stanzas to set up for vnc4server in the same xorg.conf?
Now I can easily set up init.d scripts to play the game of
removing the xorg.conf then starting vnc4server then reinstall xorg.conf
then start x :) and be done with it
as I start up my vnc4servers once on bootup and then use them later.
However, I suspect that the vnc4server
is compiled with multiple locations to look for xorg.conf that have higher priority than
/etc/X11, as I am not the first person to use vnc4server and binary nvidia drivers
on the same machine.
Note the following recent (yeterday) bug report on vnc4server
vnc4server: breaks if /etc/X11/xorg.conf generated by X -configure is present
this is exactly my problem.....
Now he is being mislead (in my opinion) because he thinks that the random
error message about some font is the cause, instead of being a regular
feature of Xorg logs, that I have learned to ignore (at my peril?).
The main error is as he stated
vnc4server: breaks if /etc/X11/xorg.conf generated by X -configure is present
not the rest of his bug report....
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