Re: Connecting the droid to a Debian workstation
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Kent West <> writes:
> On 6/1/10 8:56 AM, Merciadri Luca wrote:
>> Kent West <> writes:
>> > Merciadri Luca wrote:
>> >> Hi,
>> >>
>> >> To my utter astonishment, I have not found, on the Internet, an
>> >> explanation on how to connect an Android-based device to a Debian
>> >> workstation (through USB2, evidently). Do you have any pointer on
>> how to
>> >> do this? By `connecting,' I do not necessarily mean `synchronizing' but
>> >> at least being able to check the µSD's card content. I am using an HTC
>> >> Desire.
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>
>> > I just connect my G1 to the USB2 cable, and the G1 dings at me, and
>> > there's a notification at the top of the G1's screen saying that it's
>> > connected; pulling that notification open it tells me that to "click
>> > here" to mount my drive. When I do that, then my Debian box starts
>> > rattling, and in a few moments, KDE pops up a window asking what I want
>> > to do with the new device, and I say "Open", and voila, there's the
>> > drive's contents.
>> > (The exact wording above may not be accurate, as I'm doing this from
>> > memory rather than actually having the unit right here in front of me at
>> > the moment, but that's the gist.)
>> Well, after quibbling with the android device, this does the same
>> too. Do you also have a sync utility?
> No. I just manually copy files as I need them from here to yon and
> vice-versa. Some stuff doesn't work; like, I can't save my text messages
> easily.
Ok. Thanks, then.
- --
Merciadri Luca
- --
The difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has its
limits. (Albert Einstein)
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