Re: Connecting the droid to a Debian workstation
Merciadri Luca wrote:
> Hi,
> To my utter astonishment, I have not found, on the Internet, an
> explanation on how to connect an Android-based device to a Debian
> workstation (through USB2, evidently). Do you have any pointer on how to
> do this? By `connecting,' I do not necessarily mean `synchronizing' but
> at least being able to check the µSD's card content. I am using an HTC
> Desire.
I just connect my G1 to the USB2 cable, and the G1 dings at me, and
there's a notification at the top of the G1's screen saying that it's
connected; pulling that notification open it tells me that to "click
here" to mount my drive. When I do that, then my Debian box starts
rattling, and in a few moments, KDE pops up a window asking what I want
to do with the new device, and I say "Open", and voila, there's the
drive's contents.
(The exact wording above may not be accurate, as I'm doing this from
memory rather than actually having the unit right here in front of me at
the moment, but that's the gist.)
Kent West <*)))><
Praise Yah! \o/
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