Re: ls has stopped using the ISO date format
- To: <>
- Subject: Re: ls has stopped using the ISO date format
- From: Daniel Barclay <>
- Date: Tue, 1 Jun 2010 11:06:21 -0400
- Message-id: <[🔎]>
- In-reply-to: <20100530225114.GF4018@think.homelan>
- References: <8763263tpw.fsf@mithlond.arda> <87aari3twk.fsf@mithlond.arda> <20100530055859.GA7798@xenon.home.lan> <20100530080459.GC8211@think.homelan> <> <20100530155947.GA4018@think.homelan> <> <20100530225114.GF4018@think.homelan>
Andrei Popescu wrote:
You example shows only dates where it is quite obvious what date format
is used. Let me see...
-rwx------ 1 amp amp 891837 2010-05-03 22:55 03052010065.jpg
-rwx------ 1 amp amp 733361 2010-05-03 22:55 03052010066.jpg
Can you tell if these files were created 5th march or 3rd may? How (I'd
really like to know)?
The third of May, because it's recognizable as the ISO date/time
format (because of the hyphens, and, in that case, because of the
time format (no "am" or "pm") and position (after the date part)).
Yes, that depends on there not being any similar format that uses
hyphens but a different number order, but there isn't, is there?
And even if one doesn't already know the ISO format, one could easily
recognize from the year, hour, and minute that the components are
in descending size order (year before month, month before day of
month, etc.)
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