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Re: Partition sizes in Squeeze

On 22 mei 2010, at 20:09, Nima Azarbayjany wrote:

> I have a recent install of Squeeze on my laptop.  I have setup my partitions according to Debian Installer's defaults for separated /root, /home, /usr, etc. partitions with LVM.  I have installed a small number of packages over time.  Today when I installed KDevelop (actually the only KDE program until now) Debian complained about low disk space on /usr.  Currently, there is around 200Mb on the partition and I'm not intending to install more software at this time.  But what should I do if I needed more space?  This is not much space and fills up so quickly.

Assuming you used up all you available physical disk space, you'll need to shrink one of you lv's and grow the lv for /usr. To do this, you should read the man pages for lvm and  the tool to resize & check your filesystem of choice. Assuming you have ext3 as filesystem, the apps mentioned below (e2fsck & resize2fs) should do. 

The procedure will be something like below, but this is not a howto, read man pages first. You could F***up you filesystem when doing things wrong!:

- boot from CD (SystemRescueCD, some live cd ..)

- activate you lv's:

  # vgscan
  # vgchange -a -y <vg_name>
  # vgmknodes

- shrink a lv (e.g. resize /home to 2GB)

  # e2fsck -f /dev/mapper/vg01-home
  # resize2fs -p /dev/mapper/vg01-home 1.9G
  # lvreduce --size 2G /dev/vg01/home
  # resize2fs /dev/mapper/vg01-home

- grow a lv (e.g. resize /usr with 500MB)

  # lvextend --size +500M /dev/vg01/usr
  # e2fsck -f /dev/mapper/vg01-usr
  # resize2fs /dev/mapper/vg01-usr



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