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lighttpd doesn't listen port 80 in a lenny chroot environment


I installed Debian lenny with debootstrap to a dir to use with chroot.

I am using Debian squeeze.

I mounted /dev /sys and proc in my chroot environment. After installed
lighttpd, it doesn't listening port 80. It's only listen tcp6 80. I am
using default lighttpd configuration.

My mount commands for chroot:

  mount -o bind /dev /mychrootdir/dev/ 
  mount -o bind /sys /mychrootdir/sys/ 
  mount -t proc none /mychrootdir/proc/

I am starting fam and portmap before lighttpd. apache2 working fine but
lighttpd doesn't listen tcp 80 and I don't get any error.

Do you have any idea?

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