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Re: instalation issue

> I am not an expert on this; but if it's a 64-bit processor, you probably
> want amd64 unless it's an Itanium, in which case you want ia64.  Look
> through the literature to see if your processor has EM64T support.  If it
> does, you want amd64.  See http://www.debian.org/ports/ for more information.
> i386 will probably also work, but if you have more than 4G of RAM you will not
> be able to exploit it to maximum effect unless you are running a 64-bit port.

I am currently running i386 with 8gb of RAM using the -bigmem kernel.
As I understand, each process becomes limited by 3GB or so of RAM. I
can't really comprehend why any *desktop* user would need/want 64bit
at this time. Although, 64bit doesn't have the java and flash issues
it had not long ago, I would not be surprised if there is still some
hassle involved.

jordan@pc-tesla ~ $ uname -r
jordan@pc-tesla ~ $ free -m
             total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached
Mem:          8118       6335       1783          0        386       3534
-/+ buffers/cache:       2415       5703
Swap:         4102          0       4101

Jordan Metzmeier

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