Re: Disabling Swap Activation Message
On 04/03/10 23:04, Andrew Reid wrote:
On Thursday 04 March 2010 22:12:59 Tech Geek wrote:
I installed Debian Lenny on my PC (/dev/hda1) without any swap partition. I
recompiled my kernel to boot without using an initrd.
After doing a find it seems that these messages are spitted out by scripts and files in /etc/init.d/ directory.
My question is what is the best way to disable these messages and the
associated function with those messages?
Should I just comment out the relevant swap portition in those two init
Seems cleaner to me to either boot with a "noswap" kernel option,
or edit /lib/init/ to always set NOSWAP to "yes". Both
mountall and checkroot seem to check that variable.
Of course, I haven't actually tried it, so it might not even work.
It works.
If it does, my personal preference would be to change the default
boot options in the bootloader config -- I use grub, and it's already
customized to have the right "root=" line, so adding "noswap" to the
"kopt" line would be natural, and would be preserved automatically
across kernel updates.
-- A.
"You don't know where your shadow will fall",
Ing. Olaf Reitmaier Veracierta<>
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