On Wed,03.Mar.10, 10:54:42, Marco Vaschetto wrote:
Not a lot of subscribers I think will never have more then 50
Ok. With fewer subscribers it could be done via /etc/aliases, but 50 is
too much to maintain, unless you don't expect the subscriber list to
change to much (or not at all).
maybe 2 or 3 for day
Probably any mailing list manager will do. Mailman is a very popular
choice, but might be overkill (it has a lot of features you will
probably not need). 'apt-cache search mailing list manager' shows this:
ecartis - Fast, Flexible Mailing List Manager
minimalist - MINImalistic MAiling LISTs manager
courier-mlm - Courier mail server - mailing list manager
enemies-of-carlotta - mailing list manager
mailman - Powerful, web-based mailing list manager
mlmmj - mail server independent mailing list manager
schleuder - GnuPG enabled mailing list manager with
smartlist - Versatile and Intelligent List Processor
sympa - Modern mailing list manager
Did you mean SquirrelMail? That is a webmail app, not an MTA.
I don't know if need more information for do, have some daemon do
this work or is a configuration of mailserver? I think is a daemon
do a mailing list.
AFAIK it has to integrate at some level with the mailserver software.
What MTA are you using?