Re: megalomanic aptitude
Stephen Powell <> writes:
> On Mon, 1 Mar 2010 06:41:24 -0500 (EST), Christoph Groth wrote:
>> For years, I've been using apt-get happily. Now I wanted to switch
>> to aptitude because it is supposed to resolve conflicts better but I
>> find myself unable to tame it. Any hints are highly appreciated.
> There was a recent post about this. Search the archives for this list
> (debian-user) for the month of February, 2010. I don't remember the
> title, but it had something to do with aptitude vs. apt-get. The
> solution had something to do with "keep-all", or something like that.
> Sorry I don't have time to look it up for you right now. If you can't
> find it, let me know.
Thank you, "aptitude keep-all" did the trick. It was not clear to me
from skimming the documentation that aptitude keeps a state beyond that
of dpkg/apt between invocations.
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