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Re: setting sensor limits fails

On Mon, 1 Feb 2010 17:40:52 -0500 (EST), Klistvud wrote:
> Well, IIUC, the sensors also trigger the overheating circuits in your  
> laptop, so there is more than just a theoretical possibility to fry  
> your laptop if your sensors are disabled. Just try leaving your laptop  
> running on a thick carpet, and accidentally throw a warm jacket/coat  
> over it ...

I don't pretend to know anything about this, but isn't there
internal circuitry present in the machine that will automatically
shut the machine down if it gets too hot?  I'm thinking of older
operating systems, such as DOS for example, that generally didn't
have any kind of sensor management software built in.  Being
able to manage that kind of thing in an operating system is a nice
feature, but I'm not sure if it's essential for safe operation.
It seems to me that if the machine were designed properly it
would have some default operating characteristics that it will fall
back on if it is not being managed by an operating system.

For example, "If the temperature is below threshold 1, turn the
fan off.  If it is above threshold 1, turn the fan on low.
If it is above threshold 2, turn the fan on medium.  If it is
above threshold 3, turn the fan on high.  If it is above
threshold 4, shut the machine off.  At least that is how one would
hope it would work.

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