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Re: File system for linux and windows

Nick Douma wrote:
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On 23-1-2010 9:13, Bhasker C V wrote:

This may not be debian-specific question, but with the group expertise,
I think this would be a good reference for

I think this question has been debated a lot but still there is no clear
information on what to do.

The question is, if you want to share data between linux and windows
what is the best file system to use[plus adding
security complexity].

I have two 1TB drives, both with two partitions on them. One drive has
two EXT3 partitions, the other two NTFS.

Using Ext3 on windows is good but has its limitations. This does not work
unless the ext3 file system is on a partition. The limitation comes when
using applications like freeOTFE which can read LUKS volumes. The volume
is mounted as a drive but not detected as a disk
by any of the written
ext3 drivers in windows.

I would expect that the problem does not occur when the encrypted
partition is NTFS.

Using NTFS on linux and windows is cool. I have consistently seen that
when there are large number of files, undoubtably,
ntfs volume goes corrupt and chkdsk simply removes files and creates
data loss. I do not have any clue on when the FS goes
corrupt (either when writing using linux or when using in windows - Used
ntfs (kernel), ntfs-3g ... all in vain).

I have never had a corrupted NTFS partition from using it with ntfs-3g.
I've been using the setup I described above for years now, and the NTFS
partitions are used intensively on both Windows and Linux as download
partitions (usenet, torrents, etc).
I think this is the near best solution. This is the 3rd time I am trying to capture all data (around 10,000 files) from my linux box into the luks ntfs partition. Everything works fine. There is no file corruption. But it all starts to cruble the moment you use chkdsk. Chkdsk starts deleting lots of files and says they are corrupt and then on the next run it salvages files saying they are orphaned. On total, I lose a lot of files.
Anyone can recommend VFAT. FAT32 being supported by XP and well
supported by linux makes it a good candidate. The problem
with FAT32, I guess (correct me if I am wrong), there is no support for
case-sensitive file names in the FAT32 file system.

Don't expect NTFS to be case-sensitive either when using it with
Windows. I had two identically named folders, only with a single letter
in a different case. Windows could not distinguish between the two folders.

I would not use FAT32 if you didn't have to. It fragments like mad, and
has no built in journaling to protect from data loss in case of a power

So, the question... what FS to use which is good and reliable in both
windows and also linux  ?

Really depends on what OS you are using the most. Using EXT3 means you
lose the security information when using it with Windows. The same with
NTFS and Linux. Both just ignore the information. If this is not an
issue, then I would suggest using NTFS, because Windows supports it
natively, and ntfs-3g is still being developed, unlike the EXT3 drivers
for Windows.

Is there any file system in linux which can work in windows also
(meaning it can be read and optionally written-to in
windows even if the
FS is not in a partition) ?

I have no real experience with this, but I have a file-based Truecrypt
partition in NTFS, and use them with both Linux and Windows.

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Bhasker C V
Registered Linux user: #306349 (counter.li.org)
Fedora Ambassador    : Bhaslinux

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