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lenny backups and recovery

Just recovered from a kernel-not-loading situation, without any data loss and happily wondering what I should do now to make sure I don't get the same adrenalin shot next time it happens.

I do have a removable usb hard drive for backups, onto which I copy stuff using cp -rp *

and I'm wondering how I should copy my linux configuration, and then how I restore it too when needed.

Do I just do

cp -rp /etc /media/external

and on recovery, just install all packages and then copy the whole /etc back?

I am looking at http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/Linux-Complete-Backup-and-Recovery-HOWTO/overview.html but it was last updated in 2006 so I figure there might be some useful new stuff too somewhere.

Also wondering what the lenny installation cd 'rescue mode' does - and whether I need a boot floppy with a copy of my partition info?


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