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Re: install

On 2009-12-31 at 12:37:33 -0500, Eduardo M KALINOWSKI wrote:
> Not all BIOSes have built-in network boot support, though. For those who
> don't, but can boot a CD-ROM, you can boot this CD and it will then
> continue to a network boot as would have been done in a computer whose
> BIOS can do that automatically.

Oh, now I get it.  But that raises another question: why then is there a need
for two network-based installation methods: netinst and netboot?  Why not
just use netboot for all network-based installs and save some duplication
of effort?  Then again, there are two flavors of netinst: regular and
"business card".  (Or is "business card" considered a separate installation
method?)  Why so many flavors?  Why not use the netboot CD for everything?

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