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Re: email server

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On Seg, 14 Dez 2009, Joe wrote:
Eduardo M KALINOWSKI wrote:
Easier than talking SMTP directly is using the swaks utility, available in the swaks package.

Is it cross-platform?

It's written in Perl, and Perl is cross-platform. So I'd say yes.

I regret to say that in the sordid and squalid business of earning a living, I must also walk the Dark Path, and indeed I sometimes answer questions on Exchange in one of the Other Side's technical newsgroups.

As long as Exchange talks SMTP, you'd be fine.

That said, I think that knowing the basic SMTP transaction is useful. But if you have access to a tool that makes the job easier, why not use it, especially if you'll have to repeat the same commands several times?

There are running jobs.  Why don't you go chase them?


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