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Re: i915 kms, init runlevel 2 switches virtual console

On Sun, Nov 22, 2009 at 05:15:22PM +0100, Sven Joachim wrote:
> > Hi. I'm using debian testing with vanilla kernel 2.6.32-rc8. I've staticaly
> > compiled i915 with kms enabled and it acctually works.
> Why not build it as a module and load it from initramfs?  That is what I do.

that doesn't matter. it works and I get fb sooner in the boot process.

> I also have console-setup installed, and it does not do that here.
> Might be an issue with GDM (which I do not use).

I'm not using gdm. the switch comes right at the start of runlevel 2, as a
matter of fact, the message about runlevel change is the first that appears
a the last virtual console.

> > Also, kernel switches the required video mode a bit later then vesafb did. Is
> > there a way to set this on the kernel command line? I've read that it is
> > recommended to get rid of the vga=<mode>. I've tried setting this via video=
> > parameter, but I guess inteldrmfb doesn't support modedb.
> If you build it as module, the initramfs scripts translate the video=
> parameter into something the module understands.  Thus, video=i915 is
> sufficient if you enable KMS by default (CONFIG_DRM_I915_KMS=y).

there is no difference between static compile vs. module. the driver detects
display (probably) and sets the recommended resolution automaticaly and that
is what it does. the only difference from vesafb is that vesafb changes it
right at the start of kernel boot process while i915 does it after some time
in the boot process.
but I guess that vesafb uses the standard and can be set sooner and i915 needs
some kernel stuff initialized before it can grab and set the mode.

All I'd like to know is what and why switches virtual terminals at boot. 


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