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Re: Could you recommend CD/DVD writer program?

John Hasler wrote:
randall writes:
this list sets the "reply to" to the original sender of the message
instead of the list itself.

It does no such thing.  Here is the relevant part of the header of your
message as received here.  No "reply to" present.


i always need to remove the TO and change the CC into TO, not sure if
it works the same on all mail clients but i use Thunderbird.

Use "reply-to-list":
I found that in five seconds with Google.

it might be more productive to send a polite request to change this
default behavior to the list maintainer instead of some other remarks
made in this thread.

Pointless.  This has been discussed repeatedly for years.  Your problem
is not that the list sets something you don't want but that it does not
set something you do want: "reply-to-list".  That is not going to

It *shouldn't* be pointless. These Debian lists are deliberately contrary to standard practice, and have been so "for years".

The fact that so many people have a problem with this should tell the maintainers something. They are being as mule-headed as possible about this, for no good reason, RFCs-be-damned.

The policy should be changed.

And don't tell me to use some Thunderbird extension of dubious provenance. I might not use Thunderbird, or I'm on Windows for email, or I'm trapped in a situation where the power-that-be won't allow extensions, or any number of other reasons that keep me from using a Reply-to-list feature. Lots of people are not able to do that.

And sometimes I forget. I have to remember two behaviors for different lists. I'm not young anymore. No one should get POed at anyone else for not changing the addressing, because we may not be able to do better.

It's not "his problem". It's the problem of half the posters on Debian-user.

Mark Allums

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