I'm tinkering with building a live system targeting a usb thumb drive.
I'm failing and could use a second set of eyes.. here is what I have.
The package list is very incomplete, but I wanted to toss a few for my
testing run.
I'm using sid, i386. live-helper 1.0.5-1
# lh_config -a i386 --categories "main contrib non-free" -p gnome -b
usb-hdd --debian-installer netinst -d stable -e aes256 -memtest
memtest86+ --packages "nmap firmware-bnx2 firmware-bnx2x
firmware-ipw2x00 firmware-ivtv firmware-iwlwifi firmware-linux
firmware-qlogic firmware-ralink libertas-firmware linux-wlan-ng-firmware
zd1211-firmware htop mutt mutt-patched icedove pan"
# lh_build
P: Setting up cleanup function
P: Begin caching bootstrap stage...
P: Begin bootstrapping system...
P: If the following stage fails, the most likely cause of the problem is
with your mirror configuration, a caching proxy or the stable distribution.
P: Running debootstrap (download-only)...
I: Retrieving Release
E: unknown location emtest/dists/stable/Release
P: Begin unmounting filesystems...