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Re: Xfce (was Re: Musings on debian-user list) (now: waaay OT)

On 2009-08-03 06:05, Neal Hogan wrote:

Mr. Popescu has kindly pointed out basic point-drag, drop, GUI-click
help, which should have been found and "played with" upon install.
There is definitely no reason to bother the WHOLE LIST with more XFCE
config stuff . . . ya?

The Xfce-equivalent of the Windows registry doesn't really count as basic stuff to found and played with at install.

Don't tell me to just not read and respond to things I don't
appreciate, for I appreciate most of what's on this list and would
like to learn and help . . . about DEBIAN stuff. Take this
conversation off-list, please.

Oh ya . . . good morning :-)  <coffee. . . NOW>

Scooty Puff, Sr
The Doom-Bringer

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