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startx fails

Hello All,

Using laptop currently......

I've just built a new Debian based system which, as can be guessed from
the subject line fails to go into graphical mode.

xorg.conf is empty, and monitor complains of out of range signals (fair
enough).  Running dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg fails to ask any video
related questions, adding -phigh produces complaints about
--print-installation-architecture being an obsolete option and to use
--print-architecture instead.  Neither of which are dpkg-reconfigure
options, AFAICT.

Running dexconf simply produces sections like this;

Section "Device"
	Identifier "Configured Video Device"

So, I'm stuck.  Video chipset is NVidia GeForce 8300 and monitor is LG
W2042S with specs;

Horiz  28 - 83 kHz
Vert   56 -75 Hz
Screen res 1680 x 150 is optimum.

I tried Googling for settings to go in the relevant sections of
xorg.conf, but quickly discovered I knew nowhere near enough to be able
to debug errors.

Any help getting X up and running will be greatly appreciated.



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