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Re: is it possible to install a desktop-manager without python and perl?

* 明覺 (shi.minjue@gmail.com) [22.06.09 05:33]:
> I'm a junior programmer, and I plan to use only c/c++ as my
> programming languages, and I don't like python or perl, I hope all the
> programs in my own system are written only in c/c++ so that I will be
> able to modify them someday in the future. thanks

Well that is not very broadminded...

And you should, as a programmer, at least have a little knowledge of the 
most common programming languages. And knowledge of *all* programming 
paradigmas, which would also include declarative languages.

BTW: perl and python are not that hard to learn or read, since their 
main purpose was to help sysadmins to get their jobs done. And mostly 
they are not programming gurus...


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