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Re: Program for quoting text like in email?

> Can anyone recommend a program/shell script/editor plugin etc, that
> can take arbitrary text as input and quote it like email programs
> quote emails with a preceding "> " character?

awk '{print "> " $0}' filename

or just type:

awk '{print "> " $0}' 

paste some text into the buffer, and hit ctrl-D when you're done. It'll
return the quoted text which you can paste into your webpage.

This syntax might be a bit easier to remember than the sed command
Kumar gave. Plus you can add the fmt command he mentioned to reformat
your text to a certain width if you choose.

section .data
     sig:       db      'Spiro Harvey',0x0a
                db      'UNIX Specialist, Writer, Editor',0x0a
homepage:       db      'http://twiddle.starforge.net.nz',0x0a

Attachment: signature.asc
Description: PGP signature

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