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Listing held packages for which there are upgrades


On etch when I did an 'aptitude upgrade' it would show
the packages on hold that would have been upgraded
but were held back.  On lenny this no longer happens.

How do I get a list of those packages, and only those
packages, that would be upgraded if they were not on hold?

FYI I want this mostly because I have too many systems
to apply security updates to manually.   So I've a cron
job that regularly does updates from the security team
repository.  However I do not want critical packages,
e.g. the kernel, upgraded by an automatic process.
I put the packages I want to manually review on hold.
I rely on the output from the cron jobs to notify me
when there are updates available for such packages.
Unlike, say the security-announce email list, the
cron jobs keep emailing me until I apply the latest
upgrades.  I can miss an email on occasion and not have
to worry about missing an irreplaceable message.

Thank you.

Karl <kop@meme.com>
Free Software:  "You don't pay back, you pay forward."
                 -- Robert A. Heinlein

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