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Looking for Lenny to keep the spam away...

One time, in a cold day...

I want to configure a Spam filter for Exchange

After googling and read few docos, I realise that I want something like:

- SMTP/MTA Proxy (SpamAssassin/ASSP)
- Update spam list (from net?)
- Ability to be updated by client (e.g M$ Outlook when an email tagged as "This is Spam")
- Ability to virus scanning is not that important (ClamAV)

I follow a good docos on Exim-ASSP (http://blog.ccielogs.com/2009/02/11/how-to-build-an-antispam-solution-with-assp-part2/) but get confuse when configuring Exim.

The doco using older Exim where 'exim.conf' still exist. Exim4 break the configuration into smaller pieces, even when I re-do with 'dpkg-reconfigure exim4-config', I still need to dig-ins conf files under conf.d folder

If possible, I would prefer a conf like:

***Internet*** <–> Spam Filter <–> Exchange Server <—> LAN

Is there any good Lenny' doco or something easier to understand to set these things up?
Any Debianers had a success withe this kind of configuration?

Sorry about my wording, having headache reading docos and still not finding what I want...


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