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need a new smtp setup in exim4, help please

My ISP is making some changes in email service. I have been using fetchmail to get my mail and exim4 to send mail to their smarthost. Now, their new smarthost requires authentication. I run through dpkg-reconfigure exim4-config dialog. I see where to change the name (URL) of the new smarthost, but I don't get asked any questions about setting up authentication (password and such). I don't even know what new information I must get from the ISP. They are not very helpful (new management dedicated to making money rather than offering service). 

Is there a HOWTO? 

What questions do I need answers to, from the ISP (technical geek speak ?). 

How do I get dpkg-reconfigure to ask question relating to authentication so that I can enter the answers that I got from the ISP?


Please cc me at pecondon@mesanetworks.net .
I'm subscribed to the list, but nothing is coming through my fetchmail setup and I need multiple copies, so that maybe one answer gets through this mess.

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