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DPL voice meeting live -was Re: Berkeleytip

Thanks for the reminder, Martin. :)

http://groups.google.com/group/BerkTIPGlobal  ]

Yes, yesterday I looked through the Debian website to find info about
the elections, & read up on both candidate platforms, & the vote results
had just been posted, & I saw the graph & tallies.  :)

Tragically, in TYPICAL! Debian fashion, there was NO! mention of the
single MOST IMPORTANT ongoing Debian event/activity (the election) on
the main page, & not the news page, & not the Developers page, & not on
the "Major events related to Debian" page, at the least.!!!  (Could
there _possibly_ be a more major event for Debian than a DPL
election?????!  <8-0    )

& the past president's platform was he had been working to improve
COMMUNICATIONS!!!!!  Ack-Gasp!!!!!!

The election should have been front page news on the Debian
website.!!!!!  I have missed reading about previous elections beforehand
for exactly this same lack of communication reason.  If _you_ hadn't
_told_ me there was an election _underway_ I would never have known
about it.

This is very tragic - because what Debian does (& the DPL is a
significant influencer on what Debian does) has a MAJOR impact on all
these worlds/communities: Debian, Debian derived distros, Linux, GNU,
FOSS, the computing world, & the world in general.  By not having
announced the election widely, all these worlds that have influences
_from_ Debian were not able to 1) become _informed_ about the candidates
platforms, & 2) provide their input to the Debian community.

So, Debian has shot itself in the foot again by failing to seek & listen
to input from the rest of the world(s). - In doing so, it continues to
condemn itself to navel gazing & uninformedness, & lacking to engage
properly & fully with the rest of the world!!!!!

Ach.  Tragedy. . . .   Oh, well, lessons to be learned for tomorrow.  ;)

And, I just looked now, & not only is there no info about the result of
the election on the main debian.org webpage, there is STILL NOT EVEN ANY
 - What in the world!  - Sad.  . . .

[My little rant here will serve me well when I email Steve McIntyre
suggesting he come for a voice chat with BerkeleyTIP & the entire Debian
community, huh????? !!!!!  ;) ]

BTW, I just counted to get an exact data point: It just took me THIRTEEN
(13!!!!!) WEB PAGES opened in my browser to get to the election results,
starting from debian.org.    - WTFine?????!!!!!  ;)

THE PAGE (but not the url) THAT I WAS LOOKING FOR!!!!!  -

"Steve McIntyre's DPL platform, 2009
Standing for re-election

I am the current DPL, and I am standing for re-election this year. I
believe that I have done a reasonable job for the project in the last
year, concentrating on three major themes:
External communications - I've represented Debian a lot of times. This
includes talking to the press multiple times: about being elected, about
problems in Debian and how we solve them, and about Lenny and why they
should care about it. I have presented several talks about Debian to a
variety of audiences, and I have been involved in multiple discussions
with other FLOSS projects including some of the other Linux

Internal communications - I've spent a lot of time this year talking
with Debian folks: encouraging them to spread the news about what
they're working on, what they need help with, what problems they're
facing. I haven't quite posted as many "Bits from the DPL" mails as I'd
have hoped for this year, and for that I apologise: sometimes there just
aren't enough hours in the day. More about that later! I have also
helped solve a number of disagreements this year, mediating in arguments
before they cause real problems.


Much of this platform will be familiar to people, as it is largely based
on what I have said at this time in previous years. Many of the things I
want to work on in Debian are well known problems, issues that have
affected us for a long time. The two main ones that I see are:

Communications within the project

This is a long-term bugbear; DPL candidates have been promising to work
on improving communication within the project for as long as I can
remember. There are several places where communication has been
problematic in the past. I believe I have already helped with this in
the past, but there is more still to be done.

I'm convinced that the more we talk about what we're doing, the more
motivated others will be to help us in our tasks. A vibrant, open,
friendly project depends on the periodic introduction of fresh blood
wanting to work with us. Let's make that easier!"

<end of rant.>  ;)

Anyway, Martin, it's great to hear from you. Thanks for your message
below - I think it is an excellent suggestion.  I hope Steve McIntyre
works to make the interview happen [I probably won't do an interview -
we'll just open it up to questions & discussion from everyone. - Maybe
I'll ask one question - why wasn't the election properly announced? - ;)

I hope you, & Bdale, & Ian, & all the past DPLs come to the "interview"
for some interesting discussion!  :)

On Sun, 12 Apr 2009 10:07:07 -0700, "Martin Michlmayr" <tbm@cyrius.com>
> Hi John,
> * john_re <john_re@fastmail.us> [2009-04-10 14:33]:
> > Hi :) - join the mailing list, & I hope to see you at the meetings.
> > 
> > http://sites.google.com/site/berkeleytip/
> > http://groups.google.com/group/BerkTIPGlobal
> As I mentioned, I think it would be a good idea to have an interview
> with the new project leader of Debian.  He was announced last night:
> http://permalink.gmane.org/gmane.linux.debian.devel.vote/15098
> Steve was our previous DPL and just got re-elected.
> -- 
> Martin Michlmayr
> http://www.cyrius.com/

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