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Lenny. How to join multiply Postscript files into one document?

Hello, list.

Would you, please, help me to join multiple Postscript files into one
document? I have several *.ps files  with formatted text and
illustrations and want to collect them into a single document.

Since googled first, I've tried:
$ gs -q -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -sDEVICE=pswrite -sOutputFile=program.ps
part1.ps part2.ps part3.ps

But resulted document is x10 in size and looks like a rasterized one.
There are serious paper format mismatches also. Do not fit my needs,
Exactly the same results were achieved with 'psmerge' usage.

Is there a solution, which is just collect separate pages into one
document and preserve an original Postscript format in the same time?

Thanks in advance.

С Уважением,
Марк Гольдштейн

Sincerely Yours'
Mark Goldshtein

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