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Re: No soft-links for scp?

2009/2/27 Dotan Cohen <dotancohen@gmail.com>:
>> What are your actual needs here?  You have asked an implementation
>> specific question rather than a solution to a problem.
>> For example, if your use case is 'know on which remote system, and
>> where in that system, the files are' and the browsable is something you
>> are assuming, then perhaps something simple like this could work:
>> $ find / > `hostname`.find.out && scp `hostname`.find.out me@laptop:~/
>> Then it would simply be a matter of grepping the file for your locations.
>> `find` has options to print much more information than just the filename
>> if you need that (check the -printf options).
>> There are options... what's the actual _problem_ you're trying to solve?
>> cheers,
>> Owen.
> Thanks, Owen. I would like to know if a file exists on another machine
> on the home network, at a time when I am not connected to the home
> network. I have tried using a flat file, however, I prefer to browse
> in a file manager.

Ah, in that case then the `sshfs mount && cp -sR` idea is probably going
to work best.  If you don't want to get sshfs running then you could
also try generating the links on the server side then using scp/rsync to
get them.  Something like:
me@server $ cd /tmp/links && cp -sR /path/to/dir ./ && rsync -a
/tmp/links/ me@laptop:~/links/`hostname`


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