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setting up vhost for external DNS?

I wish to take over a wiki so I am setting it up on my machine however
it will use the DNS hosted by someone else so they will setup a CNAME
record pointing "wiki.foo.org" to my machine's ip. I have no control
over foo.org.

So how exactly should I set up the name based vhost in apache or
should I use ip based vhost and how would that look? My site hosted on
the VPS is www.jesujuva.org but I don't want that to appear in the
users' browsers, if they enter http://wiki.foo.org it should take them
to the wiki hostesd on my machine.

I was going to us something like this for name-based vhost:


<VirtualHost *:80>
     ServerName wiki.foo.org
     ServerAlias wiki.foo.org
     DocumentRoot /var/www/wiki
     ErrorLog /var/log/apache2/error.log
     TransferLog /var/log/apache2/access.log


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