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Re: Orphaned packages & libs removal question

John W Foster wrote:
> They install somes libs each time they are upgraded or installed. 
> My question is more specifically about the capabilities of GTKOrphan and
> deborphan: Do these apps ONLY find orphaned libs from debian packages or
> do they somehow locate libs that are NOT a dependency of a debian
> package. If the latter is the case I can not use these to get rid of the
> 200 or so libs (mostly java) that the deborphan app located. I will have
> to continue doing it by checking individual dependencies of all packages
> from all the sources that I use.

deborphan only knows about .deb packages. It will find libraries that no
package installed depend on, but if you installed them to satisfy the
dependencies of some manually installed tarball, for example, they will
be listed as "orphaned", but if you remove them that program will stop

Conversely, if you manually installed libraries to satisfy dependencies
of some other manually installed tarball, deborphan will know nothing
about these libs. And there's no way it could, naturally.

My interest is in the future because I am going to spend the rest of my
life there.


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