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Re: [OT] Friday the 13th

On Tue, Feb 10, 2009 at 03:35:35PM +0100, Thierry Chatelet wrote:
> Because according to man date:
>        -d, --date=STRING
>               display time described by STRING, not ???now???
> my guess was that string is not time zone related. Maybe I am wrong. But I 
> change my time zone to Pacific time, adjust the machine time to Pacific time,  
> and I still got the same answer! So, I still find it strange. My machine is 
> set UTC time.

Epoch times are the number of seconds past 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC.
1234567890 seconds past then is Fri Feb 13 23:31:30 UTC 2009, which
corresponds to different local times in each time zone.

Now, why your computer continued to give a result in Central European
Time when you say you'd changed time zones to Pacific Time, I can't say,
beyond that you obviously missed something since it was still displaying
CET instead of PST by default.

(Although, when you say the machine is set to UTC time, that leads me to
suspect that you may be referring to the hardware clock, not to the time
zone setting which is used for display...  They're completely
independent of each other.)

Dave Sherohman
NomadNet, Inc.

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