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Re: OT: Bush quotes

On Thursday 05 February 2009 15:22:44 Steve Kemp wrote:
>   Alternatively we could just have a free-for-all and let everybody
>  post about anything they want, and the people that spend their
>  spare time reading Debian lists willing to offer help to strangers
>  will just get bored and stop doing so.
>   The latter is the situation people are trying to prevent when
>  they suggest off-topic posting is fine for a little while, but
>  does need to be nipped in the bud at times.

Big +1. I subscribe to a few mailing lists, a few newsgroups, and idle in a 
number of irc channels. A lot of people mistakenly think it's okay to take 
these resources off-topic when things are slow, but I have to say: it's much 
easier to participate actively in a group conversation when the background 
noise is low. 

It may *seem* harmless, but in fact prolonged off-topic stuff endangers the 
relevance of the resource, because it just dramatically increases the chances 
that I right-click on the list's folder and select "Mark all as read."


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